Monday, September 24, 2007

Fall Camporee


2007 Fall Camporee
Wilderness 101

Location: Willard Conservation League, State Route 99, (North of Willard)

Date: October 19th – 21st 2007

Cost: $3.00 per scout (picked up by 236)


Friday 10/19/2007

6:00 – 9:00pm – Registration

9:00pm - Cracker Barrel
(snacks & beverages provided) Scout masters: asst. SPL’S

11:00 pm. - Lights out


Units on their own for breakfast

8:00 am – Registration

8:45 am Flag Raising/prep orientation

9:00am – Stations – 8 stations (25 minutes per stations)
(5 minutes apart)

1:00pm – Lunch on your own.

2:30pm - Survival run

6:00pm – Dinner on your own.

Saturday continued.

7:30pm – Flag lowering

8:00pm – Camp Fire – all patrols participates in song or skit.

11:00pm – Lights out

Sunday Morning 10/21/2007

Breakfast on your own

8:00am – Basic Church service

9:00am – Excused from camp

8 Stations

1) Back Packs – How to pack them (Basic kinds)

2) Camp site inspection – good site/bad site (skit by scouts)

3) Pitching a tent/setting up a camp site

4) Navigation - compass/maps/GPS

5) Water purification/food prep

6) First aid – kits

7) Fire building

8) Wilderness survival – do’s & don’ts

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

20070909 Committee Meeting Minutes

Boy Scout Committee Minutes
September 9th, 2007

Present: Bill Coleman, Lynn Faggionato, Eric Kibler, Barry Laird, Kerry Laird, Brian Krieg, Christine Uther, Gary Uther, Kirsten Lux, Don Leonard, Deb Oehling

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.

Items Discussed

1) First meeting- new patrols.

Bill provided a list of the new patrols. Our first meeting will center on the patrols electing assistant patrol leaders and meal planning for the first camp-out.

2) Flag raising ceremony on 9/14.

The scouts for this event are:

Tyler Bewley
Nick Kibler
Pat Leonard
Rusty Cromwell

3) Popcorn fundraiser.

Sale starts on 9/29. Order sheets must turned in (even if blank) by 11/5.

Pick-up is on 12/1 and we will coordinate with the cub pack and distribute with them in the community center.

4) Trailer work day.

10/7 at 4 PM.

5) Fundraising ideas.

We discussed several fundraising ideas including selling shirts, spaghetti dinner, working the fall games at Burnhams, etc. This needs to remain an open agenda item going forward.

6) Open discussion.

We need to make the scouts aware that the brother hood of the o. a. is meeting at the fall camporee.

Action Items (at first meeting):

1) Don L. – camp-out sign up sheet for 9/17 meeting.
2) Don L. – mention den leader training on 10/13 and sign up interested scouts.

Next Meeting October 7th, 2007 @ 4:00 PM (this is out trailer work day at Krieg’s.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

20070812 Committee Meeting Minutes

Boy Scout Committee Minutes
August 12th, 2007

Present: Bill Coleman, Lynn Faggionato, Eric Kibler, Barry Laird, Kerry Laird, Todd Laird, Kirsten Lux, Don Leonard, Deb Oehling

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM.

Items Discussed:

1) Summer camp wrap-up.

Collecting money for pictures and the Wednesday family night meal was chaotic (as usual). To improve the process in the future we will sign-up for these items and collect money with the camp sign-up and payments. We can still accommodate last minute changes but will have 90% of these activities pre-arranged.

We have five incomplete merit badges from camp. Four are environmental sciences and only one item is left to complete. We will complete these in the troop. The fifth is a swimming merit badge and Deb O. volunteered to contact Josh Gilbert to see if an accommodation can be arranged.

Items 10 C) and D) are required- see:

2) Lemon shake-up booth wrap-up.

We had terrible weather on Sunday and traffic was slower than normal on Saturday. The end result is that we raised roughly half as much as average.

This means that our troop will need to do other fund raisers this year.

The committee would like to thank Kirsten and Kerry for spearheading this event. Kerry has done the booth for a number of years and wants someone else to take on this task. We are looking for volunteers for next year’s booth.

3) Fall schedule.

See the fall schedule:

Don L. needs to call Jim Woodard about scheduling a camp out on November 16-18.

4) Cordle Eagle Scout project.

We need an easement from the Methodist Church but there are zoning issues centered on a planned parking lot.

Deb O. will follow up with them at the next opportunity. In addition, we have potential Eagle Scout projects to help them with Church stewardship.

5) Trailer- Communication, Organization (equipment condition- tents), Inventory, Keys and Trailer Work Day

We discussed the fact that the trailer is Nick’s responsibility since he is the quartermaster and there needs to be good communication with the Krieg’s before moving the trailer.

Due to time constraints we will put further discussions of the trailer keys, trailer safety inspection, a trailer work day and inventory on the agenda for next meeting.

6) New members/ responsibilities.

We would like to contact several people about getting involved with the committee. We have a busy year and need a couple of new committee members to help keep the work levels reasonable.

7) Open discussion.

Lynn F. volunteered to be the popcorn kernel- thank you. Her one condition is that she has plenty of help on pick up day (Dec. 1 at 9:30 AM) and a place to sort and pass out the orders. We will share the community center with the Cub Scouts. This is a great idea. First , anytime we can have joint activities with the Cubs is good. In addition, many parents have Cub and Boy Scouts so it makes one stop shopping for them. If we can arrange a crew to help sort the popcorn, we can get our order on Friday.

Many other items we briefly discussed and will be included on future agendas.

Special Mention:

The whole committee would like to extend our thanks to Mike Amstutz for both his years of service and the tremendous job he has done for scouting in Berlin Heights. We can only say that he will be missed and give him our best wishes and prayers for his future endeavors.

Items for Next Agenda:

1) Trailer keys, trailer safety inspection, a trailer work day and inventory.
2) Scouts as assistant Den Leaders for Cub Scouting.
3) New Patrol Structure.
4) Klondike Planning.
5) Philmont Planning Committee.

Action Items:

1) Deb O. - swimming merit badge follow-up.
2) Don L. - Contact Jim W. about scheduling camp out.
3) Deb O. - Cordle Eagle project follow-up with Methodist Church.

Next Meeting September 9th, 2007 @ 7:00 PM

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Don Leonard

Monday, August 13, 2007

Scout Year Fall 2007

Our first meeting is on September 17, 2007.

The focus for this meeting is to establish new patrols and plan for our first camp out on September 28-30 at Camp Firelands.

Please click on the Troop Calendar link for more details.